IJ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
IJPBS is the Official Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
1. Poly-tobacco use and mental health in South Korean adolescents
- Min Kwon
- Eunjeong Nam
- Jinhwa Lee
2. Latent class analysis of loneliness and the influencing factors among school-age children: A cross-sectional survey
- Zhiya Liang
- Wanyi Wen
- Liwen Guan
- Xuanzhi Zhang
- Lijing Zou
- Qianfei Gu
- Jiayu Liu
- Xinle Yu
- Kusheng Wu
- Yanhong Huang
3. Loneliness is associated with poor mental health, social-environmental factors, and health risk behaviours among national samples of in-school adolescents in four Caribbean countries
- Supa Pengpid
- Karl Peltzer
4. Bullying and other risk factors related to adolescent suicidal behaviours in the Philippines: a look into the 2011 GSHS Survey
- Hsuan Chiu
- Elisabeth Julie Vargo
5. Self- disclosure on social networking sites, loneliness and psychological distress among adolescents: The mediating effect of cyber victimization
- Thi Truc Quynh Ho
- Hung Thanh Nguyen
6. Mental Wellbeing of Indonesian Students: Mean Comparison with UK Students and Relationships with Self-Compassion and Academic Engagement
- Yasuhiro Kotera
- Jenai Lieu
- Ann Kirkman
- Kristian Barnes
- Gillian H. T. Liu
- Jessica Jackson
- Juliet Wilkes
- Riswani Riswani
7. Psychosocial stressors and determinants of loneliness among school-going adolescents globally
- Md Ashfikur Rahman
8. Demographic, lifestyle, social, and psychological factors associated with worry‐related sleep problems among school‐going adolescents in Timor‐Leste
- Yong Kang Cheah
- Chee Cheong Kee
- Kuang Kuay Lim
- Yoon Ling Cheong
9. Loneliness correlates and associations with health variables in the general population in Indonesia
- Karl Peltzer
- Supa Pengpid
10. Prevalence and associated factors of loneliness among in-school adolescents in three South Asian countries
- Md Khalid Hasan
- Helal Uddin
- Tahmina Bintay Younos
- Nur A Habiba Mukta
11. Prevalence and associated factors of loneliness among a national sample of in-school adolescents in Morocco
- Supa Pengpid
- Karl Peltzer
12. Prevalence and correlates of being bullied among adolescents in Indonesia: results from the 2015 Global School-based Student Health Survey
- Ah Yusuf
- Aziz Nashiruddin Habibie
- Ferry Efendi
- Iqlima Dwi Kurnia
- Anna Kurniati
13. Loneliness and its associations with demographic, lifestyle, social and parental factors among adolescents in Timor-Leste
- Yong Kang Cheah
14. Loneliness and friendlessness among adolescents in 25 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Sydney R. Sauter
- Loan P. Kim
- Kathryn H. Jacobsen
15. Gender differences in social environmental factors of psychological distress among Indonesian adolescents: Findings from the 2015 Global School-based Student Health Survey
- I Gusti Ngurah Edi Putra
- Putu Erma Pradnyani
- Gede Wirabuana Putra
- Ni Luh Eka Purni Astiti
- Ni Wayan Derayanti
- Ni Nyoman Astri Artini
- Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti
- Tashi Dendup
- Zubair Ahmed Ratan
16. Social relationship expectations, care, and loneliness in later life: Perspectives from Thai and Myanmar adults in northern Thailand
- Samia C. Akhter-Khan
- Nang Myat Pont Aein
- Chanyanut Wongfu
- Matthew Prina
- Khin Myo Wai
- Rosie Mayston
- Sirinan Suwannaporn
17. Loneliness among in-school adolescents in Ghana: evidence from the 2012 Global School-based Student Health Survey
- Abdul-Aziz Seidu
18. Relationship between sedentary behaviours and loneliness: Mediating role of fast food and soft drink consumption
- Asaduzzaman Khan
- Simon Rosenbaum
19. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Loneliness Among National Samples of In-School Adolescents in Four Caribbean Countries
- Supa Pengpid
- Karl Peltzer