IJ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
IJPBS is the Official Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
1. The Influence of Maternal Diet in Late Pregnancy on Malondialdehyde and Cortisol Levels in Maternal and Cord Blood
- Mai Quynh Nguyen
- Kinuyo Munakata
- Midori Natsume
- Yoshitaka Nakamura
- Hiroshi Miyabayashi
- Nobuhiko Nagano
- Ichiro Morioka
2. The Integrated Nutrition Education on eHealth Intervention and Its Effectiveness on Improvement of Anthropometric Status and Behavioural Outcomes of Obese Adults: A Systematic Review
- Anggun Rusyantia
- Ali Khomsan
- Clara Meliyanti Kusharto
- Hadi Pratomo
3. Selenium Intake and Postnatal Depression—A Short Review
- Natalia Karkoszka
- Ewa Gibula-Tarlowska
- Jolanta Kotlinska
- Anna Bielenica
- Kinga Gawel
- Ewa Kedzierska
4. Phytochemical Screening on Phenolic, Flavonoid Contents, and Antioxidant Activities of Six Indigenous Plants Used in Traditional Thai Medicine
- Tanawuth Tiranakwit
- Wimonwan Puangpun
- Kawintra Tamprasit
- Natthapong Wichai
- Sirithon Siriamornpun
- Tarapong Srisongkram
- Natthida Weerapreeyakul
5. Association between oxidative balance score and risk of postpartum depression in Iranian women: a prospective cohort study
- Razieh Tabaeifard
- Sara Hashempour
- Maryam Karim Dehnavi
- Maryam Mofidi Nejad
- Noushin Omid
- Mehdi Karimi
- Leila Azadbakht
6. Efektivitas Pemberian Ekstrak Minyak Kelapa Hijau (Cocos Nucifera) dengan Cara Oral dan Pemijatan terhadap Produksi ASI Ibu Postpartum di Kota Pangkalpinang
- Ade Devriany
- Emmy Kardinasari
- Harindra Harindra
7. Investigation of the relationship between salivary nitrate levels and perinatal anxiety and postpartum depression
- Yafan Lin
- Xiangming Che
- Tianzuo Li