

1. Parenting style and its effect on eating disorders and substance abuse across the young population

- Shalina Ramsewak

- Numrata Moty

- Manish Putteeraj

- Jhoti Somanah

- Loung-Poorunder Nirmala

2. Pediatrik Hastada Dental Anksiyete ve Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi Yöntemi

- Çağla Şimşek

- Mine Koruyucu


4. Relationship between Parent-Child Relationships and Peer Victimization: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-esteem and Resilience

- Pingyan Zhou

- Jinqi Dong

- Jian Liu

- Yunyun Zhang

- Ping Ren

- Tao Xin

- Zhe Wang

5. Testing a sequential path analysis from early complex trauma to regulation of psychological needs

- Bruno Faustino

- António Branco Vasco

6. Intergenerational Transfer of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Mother–Daughter Dyads, and the Role of Parenting

- Madeline Gibson

- Andrew J. P. Francis

7. The mediating role of maladaptive cognitive schemas regarding the relationship between parenting styles and chronic pain in adolescents: a structural equation modelling approach

- Saghar Salari

- Maryam Shaygan

- Giti Setoodeh

8. Early maladaptive schema, attachment style, and parenting style in a clinical population with personality disorder and normal individuals: a discriminant analysis model

- Maryam Emami

- Maryam Moghadasin

- Haniye Mastour

- Afshin Tayebi

9. Algılanan Ebeveynlik Biçimlerinin Kişiler Arası Döngüsel Model Üzerinde Temsili


- Sergen AKBAY