IJ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
IJPBS is the Official Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
1. Parenting style and its effect on eating disorders and substance abuse across the young population
- Shalina Ramsewak
- Numrata Moty
- Manish Putteeraj
- Jhoti Somanah
- Loung-Poorunder Nirmala
2. Pediatrik Hastada Dental Anksiyete ve Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi Yöntemi
- Çağla Şimşek
- Mine Koruyucu
4. Relationship between Parent-Child Relationships and Peer Victimization: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-esteem and Resilience
- Pingyan Zhou
- Jinqi Dong
- Jian Liu
- Yunyun Zhang
- Ping Ren
- Tao Xin
- Zhe Wang
5. Testing a sequential path analysis from early complex trauma to regulation of psychological needs
- Bruno Faustino
- António Branco Vasco
6. Intergenerational Transfer of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Mother–Daughter Dyads, and the Role of Parenting
- Madeline Gibson
- Andrew J. P. Francis
7. The mediating role of maladaptive cognitive schemas regarding the relationship between parenting styles and chronic pain in adolescents: a structural equation modelling approach
- Saghar Salari
- Maryam Shaygan
- Giti Setoodeh
8. Early maladaptive schema, attachment style, and parenting style in a clinical population with personality disorder and normal individuals: a discriminant analysis model
- Maryam Emami
- Maryam Moghadasin
- Haniye Mastour
- Afshin Tayebi
9. Algılanan Ebeveynlik Biçimlerinin Kişiler Arası Döngüsel Model Üzerinde Temsili
- Sergen AKBAY