IJ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
IJPBS is the Official Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
1. The Effect of Emotional Disclosure by Writing on the Depression of Hemodialysis Patients in Iran: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Fereshteh Khaleghi
- Batool Pouraboli
- Leila Abadian
- Mahlegha Dehghan
- Sakineh Miri
2. Uygulamalı ve Klinik Psikolojide Yazı Terapisinin Kullanımı
- Fatih Bal
3. Psychometric properties of the Tilburg Pregnancy Distress Scale-Persian version (TPDS-P)
- Solmaz Pishahang
- Sevil Hakimi
- Solmaz Vatankhah
- Saeideh Ghaffarifar
- Fatemeh Ranjbar