Brief Ultraviolet Irradiation Before Doffing May Prevent Transmission of Infection due to COVID-19: Ultraviolet irradiation may reduce the incidence of healthcare worker infection


avatar Abhishek Singh 1

Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Warning: No corresponding author defined!

how to cite: Singh A. Brief Ultraviolet Irradiation Before Doffing May Prevent Transmission of Infection due to COVID-19: Ultraviolet irradiation may reduce the incidence of healthcare worker infection. J Cell Mol Anesth. 2020;5(4):e149641.


? The confirmed cases of COVID-19 is showing exponential increase every day. Healthcare workers throughout the work are giving their best to contain the spread of disease. COVID-19 has not only affected common people, but healthcare workers are also getting infected despite following full precaution. In this article we suggest that brief ultraviolet C irradiation before doffing may help to decrease the incidence of infection among healthcare workers due to error in doffing process.