Journal of Cellular & Molecular Anesthesia:
Vol.8, issue 2; e149684
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Original Articles
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W, Ali
R M . Apneic Oxygenation for Morbid Obese Parturient Undergoing Elective Cesarean Section Under General Anesthesia. J Cell Mol Anesth. 2023;8(2):e149684.
Background: Over the world, maternal obesity is a growing problem. Obesity and pregnancy make these parturients far more susceptible to fast desaturation during the apneic phase of anaesthesia. In this study, a morbidly obese pregnant woman undergoing an elective caesarean section under general anaesthesia will be preoxygenated either apneically or conventionally to compare the effects on oxygen desaturation.Methods: One of two equal groups including sixty morbidly obese expectant women was chosen at random. In order to preoxygenate the body, 8 deep breaths of the vital capacity were taken for one minute at a rate of 15 L/min of 100% O2. In conjunction with the pre-oxygenation technique each patient either received 10 L/ min O2 via nasal prong (Group O) or not (Group C) according to the assigned group. Results: When compared to Group C, Group O had a considerably lower lowest SpO2 during intubation and a lower occurrence of moderate hypoxemia. In addition, Group O experienced statistically considerably fewer problems than Group C, including arrhythmias and hypotension. However, the two groups' levels of foetal and neonatal health were comparable.Conclusions: Nasal apneic oxygenation reduced the risk of hypoxemia and enhanced the lowest SpO2 in comparison to conventional preoxygenation. Accordingly, it may be considered as a practicable technique for preoxygenation of morbid obese parturient undergoing elective cesarean section under general anesthesia.
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