A Rare Case of Renal Tubular Acidosis (type 1 Distal) in Pregnancy


avatar Manasij Mitra 1

Department of Biochemistry, MGM Medical College and LSK Hospital, Kishanganj, Purab Palli. Bihar. India
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how to cite: Mitra M. A Rare Case of Renal Tubular Acidosis (type 1 Distal) in Pregnancy. J Cell Mol Anesth. 2020;5(3):e150183. https://doi.org/10.22037/jcma.v5i3.30405.


Distal renal tubular acidosis (type 1 RTA) is associated with systemic non-anion gap metabolic acidosis. It is predominantly due to impaired hydrogen ion secretion and impaired bicarbonate reabsorption in the distal nephrons of the kidney. RTA is rarely encountered during pregnancy and is associated with potential risks for the mother and fetus due to alterations in maternal acid-base status and electrolytes. Anesthetic management aims to ensure the well-being of the mother and fetus. We report, the anesthetic management of a 28-year-old, full-term G4P0A3 (gravida 4, para 0 and abortions 3) female with distal renal tubular acidosis (type 1 RTA) with recurrent history of familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis in the background of ultrasonography detected morphological disorder of both the kidneys and hypothyroidism who was posted for emergency LSCS.