J Clin Res Paramed Sci

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Development of the Process Flowchart in Preventive and Health Promotion Clinics: The Need for Coherent, Up to Date and Community-Based Services

Maryam Biglari AbhariMaryam Biglari AbhariMaryam Biglari Abhari ORCID1, Rozina RahnamaRozina RahnamaRozina Rahnama ORCID1, Hamideh SabetrohaniHamideh SabetrohaniHamideh Sabetrohani ORCID2, Mahnaz KhalafehnilsazMahnaz KhalafehnilsazMahnaz Khalafehnilsaz ORCID1, Fereshteh RezaieFereshteh RezaieFereshteh Rezaie ORCID1, Ronak GhaforiRonak GhaforiRonak Ghafori ORCID3, Ayoub NafeiAyoub NafeiAyoub Nafei ORCID1,*
1ACECR, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran
3Department of District 9 Education, Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran

Journal of Clinical Research in Paramedical Sciences:Vol. 14, issue 1; e146999
Published online:Mar 15, 2025
Article type:Research Article
Received:Mar 16, 2024
Accepted:Mar 09, 2025
How to Cite:Maryam Biglari AbhariRozina RahnamaHamideh SabetrohaniMahnaz KhalafehnilsazFereshteh RezaieRonak GhaforiAyoub Nafeiet al.Development of the Process Flowchart in Preventive and Health Promotion Clinics: The Need for Coherent, Up to Date and Community-Based Services.J Clin Res Paramed Sci.14(1):e146999.https://doi.org/10.5812/jcrps-146999.



This investigation was initiated to critically appraise and enhance the process flowchart of preventive clinics, acknowledging the urgent necessity for services that are cohesive, contemporary, and community-centric.


The present study aimed to ensure the alignment of healthcare delivery systems with optimal protocols and dynamic societal requirements.


In this descriptive cross-sectional study, four preventive and health promotion clinics in Tehran were visited, and data were collected using a researcher-developed checklist comprising three sections with 14 criteria (from August to October 2019). Subsequently, a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis was conducted to evaluate preventive services. Visio software was employed to plot the main process flowcharts.


The approaches of the preventive and health promotion clinics varied. In 25% of cases, health education was provided to all clients without screening seemingly healthy individuals. Half of the clinics visited had active websites, with one providing extensive educational content to the public. Only one clinic utilized specialized screening software. Ultimately, several main process flowcharts of preventive and health promotion clinics, along with tables of specific interventions for each disease by age and sex, were developed.


The implementation of a screening approach, the use of standard protocols, and up-to-date process flowcharts in accordance with community priorities are essential for the development of prevention services.

1. Background

Health promotion hospitals (HPHs) integrate health promotion and disease prevention into their core functions, addressing the root causes of illnesses and improving population health. Preventive clinics within HPHs employ evidence-based strategies to identify risk factors and deliver personalized interventions, thereby reducing the burden of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. In Iran, despite advancements in healthcare access, the integration of preventive care remains underdeveloped due to limited infrastructure, cultural barriers, and fragmented workflows (1, 2). However, opportunities exist through the adoption of international best practices, strengthening policy support, leveraging digital health technologies, and increasing public awareness (3). Prioritizing preventive care can lower healthcare costs, improve community health, and build a resilient healthcare system aligned with global goals (4, 5).

Currently, 60 to 80 major public and academic medical centers in cities such as Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Tabriz, along with 20 to 30 private facilities, offer specialized preventive services (6, 7). These clinics, located in hospitals such as Imam Khomeini, Shariati, Milad, Rasul Akram, Sina, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, and Ganjavian, provide essential services including screening, health education, counseling, and occupational health exams (8). However, the number of hospitals with active preventive clinics remains insufficient. Challenges such as resource limitations, low public awareness, and inefficient workflows hinder expansion. Yet, growing public awareness and the integration of health information technologies offer opportunities for improvement (9, 10).

2. Objectives

The present study emphasizes optimizing workflows in preventive clinics and advocates for a community-centered approach tailored to local population needs. By adopting advanced technologies and innovative strategies, it aims to evaluate current workflows and design effective interventions to enhance health outcomes. Prioritizing preventive care and addressing systemic challenges can create a sustainable healthcare system, reduce disease burdens, and improve social health in Iran.

3. Methods

3.1. Study Design

The present study adopted a descriptive, cross-sectional design to evaluate and enhance the clinical process flowcharts of preventive clinics. The primary objective was to identify gaps in service delivery and propose evidence-based interventions to optimize preventive care workflows. The study was conducted from August to October 2019 and focused on four preventive and health promotion clinics in Tehran, Iran.

3.2. Study Setting and Sampling

Four preventive and health promotion clinics were selected using a convenience sampling method, ensuring diversity in operational capacity, service offerings, and geographical representation. The selection criteria prioritized accessibility, operational capacity, and the diversity of services provided. The selected clinics included: (1) Shahid Rajaei Cardiovascular Training, Research, and Treatment Center; (2) Imam Khomeini Hospital; (3) Baharloo Hospital; (4) Valfajr Prevention and Family Physician Clinic under the supervision of West Health Center.

These clinics were chosen due to their accessibility, operational capacity, and the diversity of preventive services they offer, ensuring a representative sample of preventive care facilities in Tehran.

3.3. Data Collection

Data were collected through:

(1) Observations: Direct observation of clinic operations was conducted to assess workflow efficiency, service delivery, and patient interactions.

(2) Checklist assessment: A checklist, divided into three sections with 14 criteria, was used to evaluate key aspects of service delivery, including: (A) Information and content production (e.g., educational media, active websites); (B) supportive programs (e.g., insurance services, official support); (C) service provision (e.g., patient admissions, specialized software, follow-up visits).

3.4. Data Analysis

(1) Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis: A comprehensive SWOT analysis was conducted to evaluate the current state of preventive services. The SWOT table was reviewed and validated by specialists in community and preventive medicine, internal medicine, and geriatrics to ensure accuracy and relevance.

(2) Process flowchart development: Using Microsoft Visio software, standardized process flowcharts were created to visualize and optimize clinic workflows. These flowcharts were designed to align with national health guidelines and community health priorities.

(3) Compliance assessment: Activities and sub-activities were mapped against national health system guidelines to ensure compliance. Each activity was assigned a direct manager to oversee implementation and adherence to standards.

4. Results

In the first section, findings from the visits (Table 1) indicate that only 25% of clinics actively advertised prevention services. Most visitors to preventive and health promotion clinics were existing patients, with only 25% being apparently healthy individuals seeking screening. Clinicians provided educational services to patients and their companions during initial appointments in 25% of cases, with no follow-up. Only one clinic complied with standard guidelines, while 75% had access to specialists, psychologists, and nutrition experts. In one clinic, a community and preventive medicine specialist worked in isolation without collaboration with other specialties.

Table 1.The Results of Completed Checklists of Prevention Clinics Based on Three Main Sections and 14 Relevant Criteria
Main Sections and CriteriaNo.
Information and content production
Existence of advertisements
Presence of clinic signboards
Location of the clinic
In clinics main hall2
In separate building2
Produce educational media
Yes, a lot1
Yes, limited3
Active website
Supportive programs
Official support
Insurance services
Yes, completely1
Yes, relatively2
Specific software
Providing services
Admitted patients
All patients1
Some patients2
Seemingly healthy people1
The main task of the preventive physician
Only patient education1
Student education2
Patient visit1
Screening clients2
Existence of a specialized team
Medical specialists1
Some of experts2
No team1
Use of specific guidelines
Yes, completely1
Yes, relatively2
Without screening1
Measuring clients satisfaction
Yes, completely1
Yes, relatively2
Subsequent follow up

The Results of Completed Checklists of Prevention Clinics Based on Three Main Sections and 14 Relevant Criteria

Insurance utilization for certain prevention services was unclear, and only two clinics (50%) had active websites. One site disseminated educational media, while the other was used for screening questionnaires. Only one clinic (25%) employed specific software for screening. In the second section, a SWOT analysis for preventive services was developed based on the perspectives and observations of clinic officials, augmented by insights from five specialists (Table 2).

Table 2.Results of Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities Analysis of the Expert’s Panel
StrengthsExistence of young and motivated faculty members
Support of most senior university officials to activate clinics
Relatively high number of people referring to the university hospital clinics
WeaknessesLack of integrated software system
The failure of most specialists to attract people to prevention clinics
Most related documents were not up to date
Different processes and activities of prevention clinics
Incomplete referral process
OpportunitiesSensitivity of members of society to public health
Existence of new guidelines and resources in the field of prevention
Ability to use the capacity of municipalities and other institutions
Possibility of using technology in the field of prevention
Increasing life expectancy and the need to improve the quality of life
ThreatsSome officials are doubtful about the efficiency of clinics
High cost of some tests and para clinics
High rate of inflation in the above costs
Lack of insurance coverage for prevention services
Not considering the need for preventive counseling in patients admitted to ICU and CCU wards

Results of Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities Analysis of the Expert’s Panel

The third section delineated activities for target groups, including:

- Special services for employees, discharged patients, and hospitalized patients, with an emphasis on risk factor identification and management.

- Population-based services for municipal employees and factory workers, offering screening and educational services.

- Research services that support knowledge-based activities in prevention and health promotion.

- Educational services for community and preventive medicine specialists, medical interns, and clerkships.

In this context, Table 3 serves as a comprehensive summary of specific interventions tailored for each disease, categorized by age and sex. This table enhances the understanding of the diverse needs of patients, emphasizing the importance of personalized approaches in healthcare.

Table 3.Summary Table of Specific Interventions for Each Disease (by Age and Sex)
Titles/ActionsFrequency of InterventionDescriptionAge of Starting of Intervention (y)
Prevention of chronic diseases (SNAP)
Cigar SFirst opportunity/at each visit-13 - 18
Overweight NOnce every 2 years-13 - 18
NutritionOnce every 2 yearsIn people with increased risk: Every 6 months13 - 18
Diagnosis of alcohol consumption A-Provide educational brochures13 - 18
Physical activity POnce every 2 yearsIn high-risk people, at every visit13 - 18
Sexual health
STD and ChlamydiaFirst opportunity/every yearIf there is sexual activity (marriage)13 - 18
Prevention of vascular disease
Absolute risk assessment CVOnce every 2 years-40 - 45
blood pressureOnce every 2 yearsIn people at increased risk of CVD every 6 to 12 months/in high-risk people every 6 to 12 weeks13 - 18
Cholesterol and other fatsOnce every 5 yearsIn people at higher risk: Once every 1 to 2 years45 - 49
Type 2 diabetesOnce every 3 yearsIn IGT and IFG every 12 months40 - 45
StrokeEvery yearRecommended for people at increased risk-
Kidney diseaseOnce every 1 to 2 yearsRecommended for people at increased risk-
Skin cancerOccurs at every opportunityIn high-risk individuals every 2 to 3 months-
Cervical cancerOnce every 2 yearsTo be done until the age of 69Marriage-the beginning of sexual activity
Breast cancerOnce every 2 yearsTo be done until the age of 6950
Colon cancerOnce every 2 yearsHigh-risk people with shorter distances50
DepressionHigh risk: Every visitEvery opportunity has come13 - 18 and elderly
Domestic violenceOccurs at every opportunityPregnant women should also be considered13 - 18 and elderly
Danger of falling-fallingEvery yearWith a history of falls: Once every 6 months65
Sight and hearingEvery year-65
Oral healthAt least every yearWith an emphasis on people at increased risk-
WomenEvery yearBy specific risk assessment45 - 49
MenEvery yearBy specific risk assessment50

Summary Table of Specific Interventions for Each Disease (by Age and Sex)

In the fourth section, several key process flowcharts related to clinic activities were revised and finalized by experts using Visio software (Figures 1 and 2).

Practical process in first visit (primary health care)
Figure 1.

Practical process in first visit (primary health care)

Practical process in the second visit (referral to specialists for comprehensive consultation and assessment)
Figure 2.

Practical process in the second visit (referral to specialists for comprehensive consultation and assessment)

5. Discussion

The present study critically evaluates and proposes strategies to enhance the flowcharts governing preventive clinics and family physician services. Initial process flowcharts and risk assessment tables tailored to age-gender groups were designed and presented (11). Clinics operating under the titles of preventive care or family medicine provide services based on predefined objectives, but their prioritization of core prevention principles remains questionable (12). These clinics should function as nexus points between health promotion and medical treatment, directing clients through established referral processes.

Comprehensive policy frameworks by the Ministry of Health are essential to ensure a systematic approach to preventive care. Research by Parsaye et al. (13) in Iran, along with Shewade and Chinnakali (14) in India, highlights actionable strategies for health-promoting hospitals. A key challenge is the insufficient concern among senior hospital officials regarding preventive health measures, as identified by Thanh et al. (15) and Hudon et al. (16). Barriers to preventive care can be alleviated through targeted training and empowerment initiatives for physicians and managers, supported by senior officials. Disseminating information about preventive services and attracting healthy individuals to health centers remain significant challenges. Patients are often referred only after symptomatic disease onset (16). While one hospital’s website demonstrated effective information dissemination (17), extending this to all centers is crucial. Parsaye et al. (13) recommend strategies like dedicated websites and educational materials to enhance awareness. Outreach initiatives beyond clinical settings, such as collaborations with organizations, can facilitate employee screening.

A four-stage referral system is recommended: Enhancing public awareness, identifying health needs, developing an electronic referral system, and monitoring quality through patient feedback. An integrated model for preventive services enhances care quality and fosters networking among centers. Patients referred to other clinics are often overlooked for preventive evaluations, highlighting the need for opportunistic screening (14). Community and preventive medicine specialist practitioners oversee preventive services in hospitals, but studies emphasize the involvement of primary care physicians and community health professionals (18, 19). Preventive clinics should operate as collaborative teams integrating specialists, general practitioners, and other relevant fields. The lack of an integrated framework based on clinical guidelines leads to varied approaches among clinics. Evidence-based guidelines and electronic health records (EHR) can enhance service delivery, though challenges like user information protection must be addressed (20). Insurance coverage for preventive services is another concern, as high costs hinder accessibility (20, 21). Comprehensive insurance solutions at macro policy levels are essential to support preventive care.

5.1. Conclusions

Based on this study, by leveraging potential opportunities both inside and outside the system, obtaining the support of health managers for preventive services, providing a screening approach, and using standard and up-to-date process flowcharts in accordance with community priorities, the services of these clinics can be significantly improved.

5.2. Limitations

The use of convenience sampling may restrict the generalizability of the findings to other contexts. Future research should consider employing a randomized sampling approach to enhance external validity.




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