Study of molecular mechanism and different genotypes of human papillomavirus in Create a variety of human cancers


avatar Bahareh Cheshmenooshi 1 , avatar Farhad Babaie 2 , * , avatar Nasim Kondori 3

Student Research Committee, University of Medical Sciences, and Kermanshah, Iran
University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Cheshmenooshi B, Babaie F, Kondori N. Study of molecular mechanism and different genotypes of human papillomavirus in Create a variety of human cancers. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(1):e81139. 


Introduction: Papillomavirus (HPV), a common virus worldwide and a high tendency to skin, genitourinary tract and the respiratory system. Viral carcinogenic activity in different and the key role of the viral protein is studied in cell transformation and spread some genotypes of the virus, such as HPV-16 and HPV-18 strains with a high risk of development and progression of cancer. Among these studies, the important role of HPV in cervical cancer has been established. Anal cancer, penis, oropharynx, tonsils and larynx also widely studied. The aim of the collection of studies in this context, check the connection between HPV infection in human cancer development and progression, as well as restrictions on the conduct of these studies.
Methods: To prove relationship between human papillomavirus and cancers articles related to the subject were collected from various databases such as Pub Med, Google Scholar, and NCBI Then the results were comparison from different studies together.
Results: The relationship between HPV and different cancers faced with many restrictions. Most of the limitations are the methods of DNA extraction of virus, maintenance of samples and different strains of the virus's geographic dispersion.
Conclusion: By conducting this study, we investigated relationship between HPV with several different cancer and limitations in the way of proving this connection has been detected and can eliminate these limitations can published Future studies and that results with confidence.


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