Investigating internal organizational factors affecting perseverance in employees of Azad and Payam Noor Universities in Zanjan, 2014


avatar Ahmad Bokharai 1 , * , avatar Parvaneh Abdolmaleki 2

Department of Social Science , Payam Noor University , Tehran, Iran
The Secretariat of Audit Committee, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Bokharai A , Abdolmaleki P . Investigating internal organizational factors affecting perseverance in employees of Azad and Payam Noor Universities in Zanjan, 2014. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(1):e81147. 


Introduction: According to many behavioral scientists, organizations today are undeniable face of the modern world. Undoubtedly, organizations are managed and guided based on human resources’ efforts as their main elements. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the internal organizational factors on perseverance of employees in Azad and Payam Noor Universities in Zanjan,  2014.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on all employees of Azad and Payam Noor universities in Zanjan. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive and analytical statistics namely Pearson correlation and multivariance regression using SPSS version 16.  Theoretically, this study drew upon theories such as Patty's work conscience (perseverance), Mark's work alienation, and Parson's personality and social interactions theories.
Results: In both universities, the work conscience (perseverance) were in mid-range and the organizational justice were very close ((P <0.05). The average work alienation were 2.97 and 3.05 in Payam Noor and Azad universities, respectively. Pearson correlation revealed significant associations amongst perseverance with organizational justice and work alienation (P <0.01). In addition, based on the standardized regression coefficient, there exists a significant relationship between the organizational justice and the work alienation with 0.008 level of error freedom. Therefore, we can claim that both variables of organizational justice and work alienation have some influence on perseverance.
Conclusion: The obtained results indicated positive correlations amongst organizational justice with perseverance and work alienation, and negative relationship between organizational justice and work alienation.


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