The Study of Disc Herniation Frequency of Lumbar Vertebrae Based On MRI Findings of Patients with Low Back Pain Referred to Imam Reza Hospital Imaging Center


avatar Fatemeh Amiri 1 , avatar Mohammad Bagher Shamsi 2 , * , avatar Mohammad Rasool Tohidnia 2

Radiology Department, School of Paramedicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine Department, School of Paramedicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Amiri F , Shamsi M B , Tohidnia M R . The Study of Disc Herniation Frequency of Lumbar Vertebrae Based On MRI Findings of Patients with Low Back Pain Referred to Imam Reza Hospital Imaging Center. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(1):e81247. 


MRI is gold standard for intervertebral disc herniation diagnosis. The MRI of 200 low back pain patients referring to radiology imaging center were investigated. 89% of cases had pathologic findings.  Intervertebral disc herniation was more prevalent in housekeeper wives, low level education, and regarding anatomy of the defect, L4-L5 discs (52%),
 Central type of herniation and one level herniation (31%) were more prevalent.
MRI reflects a suitable image of intervertebral discs status in LBP patients with disc herniation.


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