Studying willingness of nulliparous pregnant women towards their delivery method in Kermanshah Provinces, 2014


avatar Mehrangiz Jamshidpour 1 , avatar Neda Izadi 2 , * , avatar Mohsen Mohammadi 2 , avatar Alireza Ahmadi 1 , avatar Akram Rostaiee Shirdel 1 , avatar Katayon Jalili 1

Deputy of Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Student Research Committee, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Jamshidpour M , Izadi N , Mohammadi M , Ahmadi A , Rostaiee Shirdel A , et al. Studying willingness of nulliparous pregnant women towards their delivery method in Kermanshah Provinces, 2014. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(2):e81287. 


Introduction: Recognition of factors associated with the knowledge of pregnant women to delivery methods can lead health planners in making decisions. This study aimed to determine willingness of nulliparous pregnant women of their delivery method.
Methods: : In this cross-sectional study, the information form includes demographic characteristics as well as sections on the reasons, choice of delivery method, and number of children desired. The forms sent to urban and rural health centers via Nutrition, Population and Family Health Units were available to all nulliparous women within a period of one month. The data were analyzed using Stata 12 software.
Results: The mean age of the 2708 pregnant women were 25.39±5.04 years. 69% and 31% of them considered natural vaginal delivery and cesarean section as delivery method, respectively. Factors related to the selection of delivery method were obtained, education level, employment status, being watched by a specialist, and the place of residence (P<0.001). Based on the self-reports, the most important reason for choosing a natural delivery method were fewer complications and faster recovery (94.6%) and for caesarean section was the fear of vaginal delivery (64.05%). Also obtained were the average number of children desired (2.25±0.73) and the distance between two pregnancies (4.23±1.64 years), respectively.
Conclusion: According to the percentage of cesarean selection that are greater than the acceptable rate of World Health Organization as well as the priorities obtained in delivery method causes, there needs to be more effort in guiding young mothers to the natural vaginal delivery and eliminating false beliefs and attitudes towards natural vaginal delivery.


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