Evaluation of Extracellular Enzyme Activities in Candida albicans Isolated From Patients with Diabetes Mellitus


avatar Khadijeh Azarhoosh 1 , avatar Ayatollah Nasrollahi Omran 2 , *

Medical Microbiology Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Department of Medical Mycology, School of Medicine ,Tonekabon Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran

How To Cite Azarhoosh K, Nasrollahi Omran A . Evaluation of Extracellular Enzyme Activities in Candida albicans Isolated From Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(2):e81292. 


Introduction: : Candida albicans is opportunistic fungal pathogens which are causing several clinical chronic and acute infections, especially among underling, diabetic and immunocompromised patients. Extracellular enzymes including phospholipase, proteinase and hemolysin are important virulence factors to attach and further to attack to host cells. The main aim of this study was to access the extracellular enzymes activities in C. albicans collecting among diabetic and non-diabetic (control) groups.
Methods: : In this descriptive survey, 10 C. albicans isolates from diabetic patients and 10 from non-diabetic group were isolated from 97 people (including 64 diabetic patients and 33 controls) using month swabbing and further confirmation tests. Species identification was done by standard germ tube, grown on CHROMagar, microscopic and microscopic characteristics. Phospholipase, proteinase and hemolysin activity was accessed using specific mediums.
Results: In this study, 90%, 80% and 90% of isolates showed phospholipase, proteinase and hemolysin activities in diabetic patients whereas 80%, 60% and 70% of isolates showed these activities in control group, respectively. In total, there was a significant difference in proteinase and hemolysin activities between diabetic and non-diabetic groups.
Conclusion: Finding of this study showed a considerable presence of C. albicans among diabetic patients. According to high level of phospholipase, proteinase and hemolysin activities among C. albicans in diabetic patients, using an appropriate therapy is necessary to prevent further spread of these pathogens in diabetic patients.


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