A Comparative Study of the Minimum Data Set of Novice Students’ Health Measurement Records in Some Selected Countries and Presenting a Model for Iran


avatar Reza Safdari 1 , avatar Niloofar MohammadZadeh 1 , avatar Najmeh Bahmanziari 2 , avatar Negar Gheibi 1 , *

Health Information Management Department, School of Allied Medicine, Health Information Management Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Management and Health Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

How To Cite Safdari R , MohammadZadeh N , Bahmanziari N , Gheibi N . A Comparative Study of the Minimum Data Set of Novice Students’ Health Measurement Records in Some Selected Countries and Presenting a Model for Iran. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(2):e81324. 


Introduction: Access to the same information in documents, makes possible the presentation of comparative statistic in the field of health. Minimum data set gives us a tool for collecting standards while using such standards facilitate communication between people and organizations involved in health care. This study aimed to determining minimum data in measuring novice students' health in Iran.
Methods: This research was a descriptive-comparative study. A checklist was developed using a comparative study about data set of novice students in three leading countries in children health, the US, England, and Australia, as well as Iran. The checklist comprised minimum data set in novice students' health measurement. It was submitted to 49 medical professionals, sociologists, physicians, health information technology professionals, and family and school care experts using Delphi method.
 Results: Sixty out of sixty-two elements that were at the poll with more than 75% agreement were considered as main elements; and two elements with 50-75% agreement were considered as proposed elements. Two elements with more than 80% agreement were added to measurement record: food and drug allergy, as well as physical activity.
Conclusion: Information elements for assessing health measurement were introduced in three categories: demographic and societal information, medical examinations, and assessment of physicians. This can be considered a suitable collection for electronic and paper format documentation.


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