The Prediction of Elite Athletes’ Chronic Ankle Instability Based ‎on Control of Posture’s Risk Factors


avatar Ali Yalfani 1 , avatar Farzaneh Gandomi 1 , *

Department of Sports Injuries ‎and Corrective Exercises, Sport ‎Sciences Faculty, Bu’Ali-Sina ‎University Hamedan‎, Iran

How To Cite Yalfani A , Gandomi F . The Prediction of Elite Athletes’ Chronic Ankle Instability Based ‎on Control of Posture’s Risk Factors. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(2):e81345. 


Introduction: chronic ankle sprain is situation that occurred with “giving way”, pain, and swelling and recurrent ankle sprain. In this study we assess the role of some in prediction of occurrence of chronic ankle sprain.                                                                                        
Methods: in this descriptive-regression research, statistical population was athletes from A category league team sports that 50 athletes (25 ankle sprain injured athletes’ and 25 health athletes) was selected as a samples non-randomic and purposefully. Seven variable measured as predictors variables. In order to assessing variables we used to Biodex and Inclinometer devices. And for data analysis we used to Logistic Regression.
Results: The results showed that, four variables (Y- balance test, total postural stability, single leg postural sway, weight bearing dorsiflexion ROM) of studied variables had significant statistical proportion in classification of injured group. This model could predict ankle sprain occurrence about 43.4% to 57.8%. Also model classified 80 percent of cases truly. 
Conclusion: So chronic ankle sprain is multifactorial and postural control and weight bearing dorsiflexion ROM had important role in prediction of chronic ankle sprain occurrence. That w must pay attention to this factors in rehabilitation and re-injury prevention fields.


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