Assessment of Student Interests of Kermanshah University of ‎medical sciences towards the field of education and the future of ‎her career


avatar Rozhin Hemmati 1 , avatar MohammadRasoul Tohid ‎Niya 2 , avatar Nasrollah Sohrabi 3 , avatar Fereshteh Jalalvandi 4 , *

Department of Radiology ‎،Member of the Student ‎ResearchCommittee,Paramedical School, Kermanshah ‎University of Medical Sciences. ‎Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Radiology ‎‎,Paramedical School ‎،Kermanshah University of ‎Medical Sciences. Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Laboratory ‎Sciences,Paramedical School, ‎Kermanshah University of ‎Medical Sciences. Kermanshah‎, Iran
Faculty member of operating ‎room department ,Paramedical ‎School, Kermanshah University ‎of Medical Sciences. ‎Kermanshah‎, Iran

How To Cite Hemmati R , Tohid ‎Niya M , Sohrabi N , Jalalvandi F . Assessment of Student Interests of Kermanshah University of ‎medical sciences towards the field of education and the future of ‎her career. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(2):e81347. 


Introduction: Favorites students to their field of study of the most important factors in academic achievement and professional skills in the future they will be.Increase the admission of students and limits the absorption of manpower ,leads to disorient supply and demand in the job market, job instability, reduced motivation and as well as students ' stress is.
Methods: This descriptive analytic study aims to determine the extent of Kermanshah University of medical sciences students ' interest towards the field of education and the future of his career was performing at 2016 year.Data were collected by questionnaire standard. Data analysis using SPSS software version 18.The index of abundance, for descriptive data analysis and statistical methods of the Chi square test, Fisher and two for explanatory data analysis were used. A significant level of p<0.05 was considered.
Results: Of the 298 completed questionnaires 167 people (56%) girl student and 131 (44%) the boy student with a mean age of 22 ± 3.6. 167 people BA continuum and the rest of the professional Ph.d. and masters were interleaved. 86.6% were dissatisfied students of degree and future career.Between the educational level and interest of students to the field of study and future career is a significant relationship (P = 0.002).
Conclusion: More students studying in their fields of interest were unhappy not the future of your business.The authorities should identify problems and provide solutions, leading to the introduction of full field of study to provide for students.


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