Surveying the barriers to providing standard cares in post- abdominal surgery from the viewpoint of the nurses in surgery wards


avatar Samira Fatahi 1 , avatar Sima Mohammad Khan Kermanshahi 1 , * , avatar Robabeh Memarian 1 , avatar Kayvan Abbasi 1

nursing department, faculty of medical sciences, Tarbiat Modares University. Tehran, Iran

How To Cite Fatahi S, Mohammad Khan Kermanshahi S, Memarian R, Abbasi K . Surveying the barriers to providing standard cares in post- abdominal surgery from the viewpoint of the nurses in surgery wards. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2016;5(3):e81497. 


Introduction: : Nurses are the largest group among the health professionals and both legally and ethically they must be responsible for the quality of the cares provided. And, one of the major aspects of the quality of care is the standard. This study aims at investigating the barriers in implementing the nursing standards in caring for the patients after an abdominal surgery is done.
Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The target population of the study,  that were selected through the simple sampling method, are all the nurses working at the abdominal surgery wards of training-clinical hospitals of Kermanshah. To gather the required data, a self-made questionnaire on individual, administrative, and environmental barriers to fulfilling standards in caring for the patients after abdominal surgery. Its validity through content validity and its reliability via test-retest method and the alpha 0.80 were confirmed. SPSS software version 16 was used for the analysis of data.
Results: The findings from 30 participants, whom 43% of which were female, showed that the greatest barriers to the implementation of standards were: 46.7% for the lack of motivation (as an individual barrier), 73% for the lack of standardized evaluation (as an administrative barrier), and 76.7% for routine-orientedness (as an environmental barrier)
Conclusion: The findings from 30 participants, whom 43% of which were female, showed that the greatest barriers to the implementation of standards were: 46.7% for the lack of motivation (as an individual barrier), 73% for the lack of standardized evaluation (as an administrative barrier), and 76.7% for routine-orientedness (as an environmental barrier)


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