The Role of meta-cognition believe in prediction of entrepreneurial traits Students in Medical and Paramedical school of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences


avatar Seyyed Mohsen Azizi 1 , avatar Somaye Negahdari 1 , avatar Mostafa Bagherian Jelodar 2 , avatar Arash Ziapour 3 , *

Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Department of sociology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Students Research Committee , Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Azizi S M, Negahdari S , Bagherian Jelodar M, Ziapour A . The Role of meta-cognition believe in prediction of entrepreneurial traits Students in Medical and Paramedical school of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2016;5(3):e81515. 


Introduction: Nowadays, the socio-economic development of societies depends on the employment of efficient and entrepreneurial human resources. Accordingly, identifying factors that can boost the entrepreneurship among students, as the most valuable capital of countries, is of prominent significance. The aim of this research was to investigate the Role of meta-cognition believe in prediction of entrepreneurial traits students in schools of medical and paramedical at university of medical sciences.
Methods: The method of this study is descriptive – correlation and its statistical population consisted of all Students (medical and paramedical) Kermanshah University of medical sciences 2015-2016. Sample of the study included 250 students that were selected proportionate stratified random sampling (based on the school) method. Data was collected by meta-cognition questionnaire (MCQ-30) Cartwright - Hatton Wells (2004) and questionnaire researcher-made to measure entrepreneurial traits. Data were analyzed using one sample t test, correlation Pearson, Regression Analysis.
Results: The findings showed significant positive relationship between meta-cognition believe and entrepreneurial traits (r=0.254, p≤0.001). Metacognition believe predicts 11.6% variance entrepreneurial traits. Positive beliefs about worry and cognitive confidence Variables are predictor of entrepreneurial traits among students.
Conclusion: Meta-cognitive beliefs have positive correlation with traits of their entrepreneurship. Psychological variables must be considered in Educational Planning and Curriculum development in Higher Education system.


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