Evaluation of fire and explosion risk by Dow’s fire and explosion index in Kermanshah Petrochemical,2014


avatar Elham Esfandiari 1 , * , avatar Nabiolah Mansouri 1 , avatar Masoud Ghanbari 2

Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Department of occupational Health, Faculty of Public Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Esfandiari E , Mansouri N , Ghanbari M . Evaluation of fire and explosion risk by Dow’s fire and explosion index in Kermanshah Petrochemical,2014. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2016;5(3):e81526. 


Introduction: Risk of Fire and Explosion Hazards are considered as the first and second major hazard in the process industries. Present study was conducted to determine the risk of Fire and Explosion, radius of exposure and to estimate most probable fire and explosion damages in Primary reformer Unit.
Methods: This cross sectional study was done in urea and ammonia Kermanshah Petrochemical complex in 2014. DOW΄s Fire and Explosion Index was used to determine fire and explosion risk and probable property damage by primary reformer.  
Results: DOW΄s Fire and Explosion Index was estimated 204. 33 for subunit of the under study process that severity of risk was evaluated unacceptable. In addition, radius of exposure and damage factor were calculated equal to 52.3 and 83%, respectively. Actual Maximum Property Damage (MPPD) of about $ 11,999,565, Maximum Probable Days Outage (MPDO) of about 158.5 dyes and business interruption loss was estimated about $ 75,889,800.
Conclusion: The subunit of Primary Reformer of the status safety in the desirable outcomes might not have fitted in case of an explosion, the extent of the damages to the adjacent units and other units fitted irreparable. Therefore, the proposal that subsequent studies in other units of the petrochemical complex, the company is doing.


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