Study of Fibroblast cells Behavior on Supramolecular Polycaprolactone Nanofibers Coated with Gelatin


avatar Zahra Shakeri Shemirani 1 , avatar Mojgan Zandi 2 , * , avatar Parvin Shokrollahi 2 , avatar Shiva Irani 1

Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Biomaterial, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran

How To Cite Shakeri Shemirani Z , Zandi M , Shokrollahi P , Irani S . Study of Fibroblast cells Behavior on Supramolecular Polycaprolactone Nanofibers Coated with Gelatin. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2015;4(1):e81538. 


Background: Tissue engineering has the potential to create organ and tissue in the form of de novo. Scaffolds are based on structures existing in the extracellular matrix. The trend of successful use of scaffolds is growing rapidly in organ transplantation and in order to expedite such successful use, structures similar to the target tissue are to be used. The coverage of PCL with Gelatin is devised to enable the surface properties of polymer to have hydrophilicity and permeability.This study is to investigate the cell behavior towards Gelatin-coated polycaprolactone supramolecular nanofibers polymer.
Methods: Poly-caprolactone supramolecular nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning method, and were coated with gelatin. Poly-caprolactone supramolecular covered with gelatin has been investigated by FTIR, and scaffolds morphology has been investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM). L929 fibroblast cells have been cultured on scaffolds, and their cellular activity has been assessedfirst by MTT test and then has been stained with DAPI to confirm the presence of cells on the nanofibers.
Results: The results showed that L929 fibroblast cells, when cultured on nanofibers, such nanofibers can create three-dimensional topography to support the cell growth and cell proliferation, Gelatincoated poly-caprolactone supramolecular nanofibers has had impact on their biocompatibility. Meantime, MTT assay has confirmed the biocompatibility of the resulting graph.
Conclusion: Gelatin- coated poly-caprolactone supramolecular nanofibers, leads to improved surface properties of polymer and to suitable cell behavior.


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