Pathology of the organization's intellectual capital (Case Study of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences staff)


avatar Reza Rostami 1 , * , avatar Akbar Veismoradi 1 , avatar Farzad Dastanbou 2

Department of Business Management , Payame Noor University, Post box 19395-3697 Tehran, Iran
Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University ,Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Rostami R , Veismoradi A , Dastanbou F . Pathology of the organization's intellectual capital (Case Study of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences staff). J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2016;5(3):e81541. 


Introduction: More than physical capital, ideas are the sources of power and wealth and intellectual capital and intangible non-financial criteria are included, the value defines the organization.
Methods: This study was descriptive survey and collect data in a standardized questionnaire Bontis intellectual capital is used. For data analysis, correlation analysis using SPSS statistical software was used. In order to investigate the relationships between the dimensions of intellectual capital, path analysis (path analysis) is recommended.
Results: The results showed that all three intellectual capital dimensions above-average and human capital (4.2) structural capital (4.1) and relational capital (3.85) to be allocated to the largest. All relationships between the three dimensions of the concept is meaningful .This means that in addition to the direct impact of human capital, structural capital and relational capital (0.81 and 0.64), other indirect relationship between human capital and structural capital and relational capital(1.36) is expected mediator.
Conclusion: The survey showed that  the dimensions of intellectual capital at the University of Medical Sciences in good condition and the relational capital, which represents the external interactive way  needs more attention . There is a meaningful difference  between average employee comments , except in career record .The relations between the dimensions of intellectual capital is meaningful, and human capital factor is the most important impact in the conceptual model.


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