Work Related Visual Disorders in Mellat Bank Personnel at Kermanshah City (2012)


avatar Akbar Barzegar 1 , * , avatar Mahmood Babaveisi 2 , avatar AmirHossein Hashemian 3 , avatar Nadia Chaboksavar 4

Ph.D. in Occupational Health, Department of Occupational Health, Faculty of Public Health, Isar Square, Kermanshah, Iran
B.S. in Occupational Health, Department of Occupational Health, Faculty of Public Health, Isar Square, Kermanshah, Iran
Ph.D. in Biostatistics, Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Public Health, Isar Square, Kermanshah, Iran
Laboratory Expert, Faculty of Public Health, Isar Square, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Barzegar A , Babaveisi M , Hashemian A , Chaboksavar N . Work Related Visual Disorders in Mellat Bank Personnel at Kermanshah City (2012). J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;5(4):e81930. 


Background: Employees working in banks are the personnel that deal a lot with computers at shift work. Those who spend long time per day working on computer tasks experience symptoms like visual disorders. Then in this study, the prevalence of work related visual disorders was investigated in Mellat bank personnel at Kermanshah City.
Methods: All personnel of Mellat banks with age of lower than 40 years were investigated by using a questionnaire and a checklist. Statistical tests were used in order to survey the relationsheep between visual disorders and some variables.
Findings: Totally, 87 employees were eligible and participated in the study. 29.9% of the employees were wearing medical glasses that 10 persons of them had to wear glasses after employing and using computer at work. Headaches (60.9%), eye burning sensation (58.6%), eye redness (56.3%), pain in the eyes (54%), and tearing (44.8%) were the most prevalent symptoms among the employees. Eighty three percent of them complained from at least one visual symptom. There was no significant relationsheep between visual disorders prevalence and other variables.
Conclusion: As the employee in bank must use computer at work, then it is necessary to use appropriate ways for correcting workplace position and preventing measures at workplaces such as banks.


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