Specification of National Health Portal: A review in Selected Countries


avatar Marjan Ghazisaeedi 1 , avatar Abbas Sheikhtaheri 2 , avatar Mahnaz Samadbeik 3 , avatar Razieh Valizadeh 1 , *

Department of Health Information Management, Paramedical School, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Health Information Management, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Health Information Management, Paramedical School, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorram Abad, Iran

How To Cite Ghazisaeedi M , Sheikhtaheri A , Samadbeik M , Valizadeh R . Specification of National Health Portal: A review in Selected Countries. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;5(4):e81942. 


Introduction: Information technology has an important role in scientific, social, economic and health advancement. National health portals though an integrated access to resources, applications and databases, can provide access to a wide range of sources of information for patients and health-care providers. Therefore, the present study was conducted to review the structural and content features of national health portal in selected countries and make recommendations for developing such portals in Iran.
Methods: : In this descriptive and applied study, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, India, Australia and the Netherlands were selected for investigation. Using a checklist, we observed and compared the content and structural features of the health portals in the selected countries.
Results: All the portals have common features such as patients' and physicians' access to public health information, medical and health information, physicians' access to patients' health data, capability of search and navigation, security mechanisms and possibility to send feedbacks to authorities and managers of the portal.
Conclusion Developing a national health portal with all the desired features and functionalities requires a strategy for development, updating and continuous users' needs assessments.


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