Correlation of quality and quantity index of multiple choice questions exams of residency promotion in Kermanshah University of medical sciences, 2013


avatar Reza Pourmirza Kalhori 1 , avatar Mansour Rezaie 2 , avatar Amir Reza Shojee Moghadam 3 , avatar Vida Sepahi 4 , * , avatar Lida Memar Eftekhari 4

Department of Emergency Medicine, Paramedicine School, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Red Crescent society of Islamic republic of IRAN, Tehran, Iran
Deputy of education in Kermanshah University Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Pourmirza Kalhori R , Rezaie M, Shojee Moghadam A R , Sepahi V , Memar Eftekhari L . Correlation of quality and quantity index of multiple choice questions exams of residency promotion in Kermanshah University of medical sciences, 2013. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2015;4(1):e81958. 


Background: Multiple choice questions are the most current tools to evaluate the learning in medical science. The purpose of this study is determining Correlation of quality and quantity index of multiple choice questions exams of residency promotion in Kermanshah University of medical sciences in 2013.
Methods: For done of this descriptive collative study 950 MCQs tests that designed by in six residency medical groups were analyzed. Quantity data was collected by discrimination index and difficulty level and the quality data by percent of Taxonomy I& II & III questions. Data was analyzed by SPSS-18 software and independent T test and Chi-square and person's test.
Results: In total tests Taxonomy I 42.8, Taxonomy II 32.8 and Taxonomy III 24.4 were been. Mean of difficulty level was 0.64 (±0.24) and Mean of discrimination index was 0.26 (±0.23). A significant statistically reversed correlation was observed with Pierson's test (P=0.001) in difficulty level and discrimination index.This finding was seen in percent of questions without structural defects with mean of 75.23 %( ±13.23 (P=0.041). No significant statistically correlation was observed between difficulty level and
Taxonomy levels and between discrimination index and Taxonomy levels.
Conclusion: The study showed that reversed correlation was observed in difficulty level and discrimination index and design of simple and very hard tests induced decreasing discrimination index. In future suggested to designer of exams in medicine with
selection of appropriate difficulty level and discrimination index obtain better quality of residency promotion exams.



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