Effect of Teach- Back Educational Method on Surgical Anxiety in Primiparous Cesarean Section Women


avatar Nasim Hatefi Moadab‎ 1 , avatar Nasrin Elahi 2 , * , avatar Khadijeh‏ ‏Moradbeygi 1 , avatar Mahmoud ‏ ‏Fakhri 3 , avatar Seyed Mahmood ‏ ‏Latifi‎ 4 , avatar Saeede Elhami‎ 1

Department of Nursing,‎‏ ‏Abadan School of Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Abadan‎, Iran
Department of Nursing,‎‏ ‏Nursing and Midwifery‏ ‏Faculty, Ahwaz Jundishapur University of Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran
Department of Operating‏ ‏Room, Paramedical School,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical ‎Sciences,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of‏ ‏Biostatistics, School of‏ ‏Health, Ahwaz Jundishapur‏ ‏University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz‎, Iran

How To Cite Hatefi Moadab‎ N , Elahi N, ‏Moradbeygi K, ‏ ‏Fakhri M, ‏ ‏Latifi‎ S M, et al. Effect of Teach- Back Educational Method on Surgical Anxiety in Primiparous Cesarean Section Women. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2015;4(2):e82003. 


Background: one of the most important problems in surgical patients is anxiety before surgery. Teach-Back method is an interactive training method that can lead to increase understanding and knowledge of the patients. The aim of this study is survey the effect of
teach back- method on surgical anxiety in primiparous cesarean section women.
Methods: this study is a randomized clinical trial that was performed on 60 primiparous cesarean section women. Participants were randomized into two groups (each group 30 person) as intervention and control group. Educational program upon on teach-back method was presented for intervention group and their anxiety scores were assessed before and after intervention by using Spiel Berger Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Data was analyzed by SPSS-19 software.
Results: According to paired T-test, the results showed significant statical difference between pre and post intervention mean scores anxiety in control group (P<0.001). Whereas, this comparison showed not significant statistical differences in experimental group (P=0.326). In comparison between two groups, Independent T-test results rely on that there were significant statistical differences and the mean preoperative anxiety score in the experimental group was significantly less than control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, Teach-Back method as an effective and non-pharmaceutical intervention can be recommended for reducing anxiety and concerns of cesarean section women.



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