Material intimacy and material satisfaction in infertile and ‎normal women


avatar Zahra ghezelbashyan 1 , avatar Mokhtar Arefi 1 , *

Department of Psychology and ‎Counseling, Kermanshah Science ‎and Research Branch, Islamic ‎Azad University, Kermanshah‎, Iran

How To Cite ghezelbashyan Z, Arefi M . Material intimacy and material satisfaction in infertile and ‎normal women. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2016;4(4):e82078. 


Background: The infertility as a stressful happening is accompanied by a variety of psychological problems. The present study mainly aims to compare material intimacy and satisfaction in infertile and normal women.
Methods: This is a casual- comparative research which 50 infertile women and 50 fertile women were selected and compared in an available way and voluntarily, out of those referred to Kermanshah Imam Hossein Hospital in 2014. The information was collected through two questionnaires including enrich and material satisfaction.
Results: The study findings indicated that material intimacy in fertile women is significantly higher than the women who are infertile for any reason, and also, the mean of the perceived material satisfaction in normal couples is significantly higher than the infertile couples. The present study had secondary findings as well, which indicated that there is a negative relationship between material intimacy and duration of marriage. In other words, since the time of marriage, whatever material life is spent, intimacy and warmth of the relationship is diminished
Conclusions: It can be concluded from the results of research that fertile and child is causing more warmth and intimacy, marriage, even though the damage is based on the results of this study routine and intimate relationship with time is reduced.


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