The knowledge and attitudes of nursing and midwifery students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in conjunction with the need to respect the patients’ bill of rights, 2012‎


avatar Jahangir Rezaei 1 , avatar Amir‏ ‏ Arian‎ 2 , * , avatar Pegahe Seddighii‎ 3 , avatar Mahmoud Fakhri‎ 4 , avatar Arash‏ ‏Ziapoor‎ 5 , avatar Faranak Jafari‎ 1

Department of Nursing,‎‏ ‏School of Nursing and‏ ‏Midwifery, Kermanshah‏ ‏University of ‎Medical Sciences,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran
Student Research Committee,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Imam Ali Hospital,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Operating‏ ‏Room, Paramedical School,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical ‎Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Public relations Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical Sciences,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran

How To Cite Rezaei J, Arian‎ A ‏, Seddighii‎ P , Fakhri‎ M, ‏Ziapoor‎ A, et al. The knowledge and attitudes of nursing and midwifery students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in conjunction with the need to respect the patients’ bill of rights, 2012‎. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2014;3(1):e82086. 


Introduction: Defense of human rights is for preserving human beings. Demanding and observance of patient rights requires introduction and awareness of groups that are involved with patients. So the purpose of this study is surveying awareness rate and nursing and midwifery student's attitude about doing human rights charter in Kermanshah of medical School, 2012.
Methods: The present study was done by descriptive – analytic and sectional method in 2012. The study societies are all the nursing and midwifery. The study samples involve third and fourth year students that enter study by census method and using questionnaire. Data using SPSS 12 they were be analyzed.
Results: In this study, 90 students were assessed for the level of awareness in %55.6 of students, moderate %34.4 good ،%10 poor, respectively. The attitude rate of students in %47.8 good attitude,  %38.9 intermediate, and %13.3 attitude weak the rights of patients.
Results There is meaningful association between the level of knowledge and age and Marriage (P<0.001). In addition there is attitude rate and sex (P<0.013) and data source (P<0.001) correlation was found.
Conclusion: According to results, importance of subject, student's direct relations with patients, the average awareness and students attitude, it's necessary that authorities provide facilities for increasing student's attitude and awareness.


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