Exploring the Effect of Social Support and Religious Beliefs on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly Living in the Town of Borujen


avatar Tahereh Golshahi‎ 1 , avatar Azam Moradi‎ 2 , avatar Mahmoud Mobasheri‎ 3 , avatar Razieh Mirzaeian‎ 4 , avatar Zahra Yousefi 5 , *

Shahrekord University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences, Shahrekord‎, Iran
Department of Psychology,‎‏ ‏Payame Nour University,‎‏ ‏Shahrekord, Iran
Department of epidemiology‏ ‏and bio-statistics, Faculty of‏ ‏Health, Shahrekord University‏ ‏of Medical Sciences,‎‏ ‏Shahrekord‎, Iran
Deputy of Research and‏ ‏Technology, Shahrekord‏ ‏University of Medical Sciences,‎‏ ‏Shahrekord, Iran
Department of Psychology,‎‏ ‏Islamic Azad University, Branch‏ ‏of Isfahan, Isfahan‎, Iran

How To Cite Golshahi‎ T , Moradi‎ A , Mobasheri‎ M , Mirzaeian‎ R , Yousefi Z . Exploring the Effect of Social Support and Religious Beliefs on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly Living in the Town of Borujen. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2014;3(1):e82088. 


Background: The pressures resulting from physical, mental and social fluctuations play a significant role in causing depression and decreasing the happiness in the elderly. The perceived social support and religious beliefs are among some parameters which influence their life satisfaction. Taking this into account, this study intends to examine the effect of social support and religious attitudes on the life satisfaction in the elderly living in the town of Borujen.
Method: This study which is descriptive-analytical in nature was conducted on 105 of the elderly living in the town of Borujen. Data were gathered by using a questionnaire consisting of 3 variables i.e. social support, religious beliefs and the level of life satisfaction
developed based on the following three questionnaires: CantyMitchell's Social Support Questionnaire (2000), Golriz and Brahnew's religious belief questionnaire and Dinner, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin's questionnaire for life satisfaction. The reliabilty of the
developed questionnaire was found to be 0.83% using Cronbach coefficient α. The gathered data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis and step-by-step multiple regression analysis.
Method: Based on the findings of the study, the mean score for the level of life satisfaction among the elderly living in the town of Borujen was found to be 22.46. There was a statistically significant relationship between the social support and the level of life satisfaction in the elderly (P<0.001). The addition of the religious belief variable was
accompanied by an increase in the social support and the level of life satisfaction in the elderly living in the town of Borujen (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Given the need of the elderly to the social support from their surrounding people, it can be inferred that the social support and religious belief play a significant role in their level of life satisfaction promoting their life satisfaction.



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