Satisfaction from pre-hospital emergency medical services: a cross sectional study in Shahrekord


avatar Ali Esmaeili Vardanjani 1 , avatar Jafar Moghaddasi‎ 2 , * , avatar Hossein Rafiei‎ 2 , avatar Reza Masoudi 2 , avatar Mostafa Mohammadi 3 , avatar Hedayatollah‏ ‏ Lalegani 2 , avatar Mahmoud Esmaeili‏ ‏Vardanjani‎ 4

Department of Medical‏ ‏Surgical Nursing, School of‏ ‏Nursing and Midwifery,‎‏ ‏Hamedan ‎University of Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Hamedan‎, Iran
Department of Medical‏ ‏Surgical Nursing, School of‏ ‏Nursing and Midwifery,‎‏ ‏Shahrekord ‎University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences, Shahrekord‎, Iran
Department of Emergency‏ ‏Department, Amiralmomenin‏ ‏Hospital, Booshehr‎, Iran
Department of Clinical‏ ‏psychologe ,Islamic Azad‏ ‏Univercity of Najafabad, Isfahan‎, Iran

How To Cite Esmaeili Vardanjani A, Moghaddasi‎ J , Rafiei‎ H, Masoudi R , Mohammadi M, et al. Satisfaction from pre-hospital emergency medical services: a cross sectional study in Shahrekord. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2014;3(2):e82096. 


Background: Provided services for patients in pre-hospital emergency setting and their satisfaction from this services showed quality of pre-hospital emergency services. The main aim of present study was to examine level of patients' satisfaction from pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in ShahreKord city in 2012.
Methods: In this descriptive study 450 patients that transported to the hospitals by EMS were selected with the using simple random sampling. Data were collected by using of satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS 15 software, with using descriptive statistical tests, independent t test, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation test.
Results: Satisfaction levels in all domains were higher than 50%, and in total were 71.1 percent. Results showed that patients satisfaction from EMS services in men, patients with low educational level, married, patients with a history of emergency services and urgent problem, were significantly higher than the others patients. Maximum and minimum level of satisfaction was related to efficiency of emergency domain with78.5% and functional domain with 58.7% respectively.
Conclusions: Results of present study showed that level of patient’s satisfaction in various areas was in good level and for increase the patients’ satisfaction, EMS technicians should pay more time with their patients.


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