Assessment of hospitalized patients fall out of bed in hospitals of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences


avatar Zeinab Amirian 1 , avatar Rostam Jalali‎ 2 , *

Imam Khomeini Hospital,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Nursing, School‏ ‏of Nursing and Midwifery,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of ‎Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

How To Cite Amirian Z , Jalali‎ R. Assessment of hospitalized patients fall out of bed in hospitals of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2014;3(2):e82110. 


Fall out of bed is a common problem in the hospitalized patients. This descriptive study carried out for evaluation the rate of patient falls out of bed in hospitalized patients in
hospitals of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. A total of 28 falls including 17 man and 171 women. Most falls had been occurred in the night shift when the nurse or
doctor was absent. Most falls were resulted to injuries consisted of 10 abrasions ,6 hematoma and 5 fractures. Survey of falls can be applied in organization of the
environment and human factors and making a safe media for hospitalized patients.



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