Comparing of the effect of reflexive and strock massages on anxiety in patients with Myocardial infarction


avatar Parvin Taghizadeh 1 , avatar Davood‎‏ ‏ Hekmatpou 2 , * , avatar Khadijeh‏ ‏Chalechale‎ 1 , avatar Mahnaz Ahmadi‎ 3

Imam Reza Hospital,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Nursing,‎‏ ‏School of Nursing and‏ ‏Midwifery, Arak University of‏ ‏Medical ‎Sciences, Arak‎, Iran
Imam Reza Hospital,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Andorra

How To Cite Taghizadeh P , Hekmatpou D ‏, ‏Chalechale‎ K, Ahmadi‎ M . Comparing of the effect of reflexive and strock massages on anxiety in patients with Myocardial infarction. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2015;3(4):e82124. 


Background: Nowadays, the use of complementary medicine alongside other treatments for relaxation and balance
hemodynamics in cardiovascular patients is stressed. Thus, the present study was performed to comparing of the effect of
reflexive and strock massages on anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction.
Methods: This clinical trial was performed on 105 patients who were randomly assigned to three groups: reflexive massages, strock massages and control groups. Each patient in the stroke and reflexive massage groups in both the morning and afternoon in one day was under massage for 15 minutes. In control group no specific action occurred except routine care and measuring anxiety in both morning and evening time. The amount of anxiety was measured before the massage in morning and 20 minute after massage in evening by Spilberger standard questioner.
Results: In stroke and reflexive massage groups, significant differences was seen between anxiety before and after the
massage (P<0.05). But the decrease level of anxiety in the stroke massage group was more. In control group there was no
significant differences between morning and evening level of anxiety.
Conclusion: The results showed that stroke massage is more effective in reducing anxiety. Therefore, we suggest the use of it alongside other routine care of hospitalized patients to reduce anxiety and tension.


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