graphically monitor the progress of labor and delivery. This study was conducted to determine
the length of the first stage of labor and pregnancy outcomes by using partograph.
Methods & Materials: In this descriptive study, data of 365 nulliparous pregnant women who came to the delivery ward of Imam Reza hospital in Kermanshah during June - July 2010was collected. Data was analyzed by SPSS software version 20.
Results: In total, 92.3% of the women had a normal vaginal delivery indicating the cesarean rate 7.7%.
The cervical dilatation of 89.6% was normal and it reached the maximum in less than 14 hours.
75.9% of mothers had an average contraction of 40 seconds and only 0.8 % had meconium in
their amniotic fluid. Bradycardia was seen in 1.1%. Failure to progress of labor in 14.8% of cases
has occurred and induction by oxytocin was helpful. In 91.2% of cases, the placenta and
membranes were completely removed.
Conclusion: This study was found a relationship between the use of the partograph and birth outcomes as the majority of the mothers had a vaginal delivery and only a limited number of those had cesarean
delivery. Partograph is an accurate instrument which can reflect the labor’s state and can warn us
when there is a risk and help to take the most appropriate actions.
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