Prevalence of Scorpion sting in tropical areas of Kermanshah province during 2009-2010‎


avatar Alireza Abdy 1 , avatar Alireza khatony ‎ 1 , * , avatar Tahereh Fattahpor‎ 2

Student Research‏ ‏Committee Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical‏ ‏sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Abolfazl Hospital of‏ ‏Ghasreshirin, Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical‏ ‏Sciences Kermansh‎, Iran

How To Cite Abdy A , khatony ‎ A , Fattahpor‎ T . Prevalence of Scorpion sting in tropical areas of Kermanshah province during 2009-2010‎. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2013;2(2):e82245. 


Introduction: Scorpion sting is an acute health problem in the tropical regions. Because of severity of complication and difficulties in treatment for healthcare workers, awareness of the prevalence of this problem can be useful. This study was done to determine the prevalence of scorpion sting in tropical regions of Kermanshah province during 2009-2010.
Methods: in this descriptive-analytical study, all records related to scorpion sting patients in tropical regions of Kermanshah including Sarpolzahab, Ghasreshirin and Gilanegharb during 2009-2010 years were studied by census method. Data collection tool was a  checklist. Data was analyzed by SPSS-20 software using descriptive and analytical tests.
Results: The prevalence of scorpion sting was 334.37/100,000 of inhabitants in 2009 and 339.07/100000 in 2010. Mean and SD of age was estimated 30.55±16.99 and 60.6% was male and the rate of men was higher in Ghasreshirin (P<0.001). scorpion sting in rural area (59.6%) and summer (52.9%) was more common. 48.4% of bites were happened in hands and 47.5% of patients were injured during midnight to 6 o’clock in the morning. 92.9%
of patients had mild symptoms, Anti scorpion serum was prescribed to 88.8% of victims and 94.5% of samples were discharged after outpatient treatment. The relation between Anti scorpion injection and clinical symptoms was not significant.
Conclusion: Prevalence of scorpion sting was relatively high in tropical areas of Kermanshah, therefore it is strongly recommended for educating the inhabitants about
how to prevent the scorpion sting and preliminary treatment, through the mass media.


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