The effect of balancing exercises based on feel-deep receiver on dynamic balance in adolescent scoliosis patients


avatar Hamzeh Mohammadi‎ 1 , avatar Abdolhossein Parnow‎ 2 , * , avatar Homayoun Abbasi‎ 2 , avatar Ghobad‏ ‏Mohammadi‎ 3

Faculty of Physical‏ ‏Education, Islamic Azad‏ ‏University Karaj Branch, Karaj‎, Iran
Faculty of Physical‏ ‏Education, Razi University,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of‏ ‏Pharmaceutics, Faculty of‏ ‏Pharmacy, Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical Sciences , Kermanshah‎, Iran

How To Cite Mohammadi‎ H , Parnow‎ A , Abbasi‎ H , ‏Mohammadi‎ G. The effect of balancing exercises based on feel-deep receiver on dynamic balance in adolescent scoliosis patients. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2013;2(2):e82252. 


Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of balancing exercises based on feel-deep receiver on dynamic balance in adolescent scoliosis patients.
Methods: Scoliosis patients were identified using special tests such as Adams test. The cases of study were randomly divided into two experimental (n=12) and control (n=12) groups. Average angle of Cobb and mean age, mean height and mean weight in two groups were measured. Experimental group received three sessions a week for three months and exercised for 80 minutes. The data were analyzed using statistical tests and SPSS18 software. Significant level of results considered as P < 0/05.
Results: Results of this study showed that there is significant difference in Cobb angle in the experimental group before and after treatment (p<0.01). Patients had a significant improvement in balance function. But there was not significant difference between Cobb angle and balance in scoilosis patients. Exercise also leads to decreased postural deviations and fluctuations of 12± 2.04 to 9±3.38 degrees.
Conclusions: Results of this study showed that exercises based on balancing movements reduced Cobb angle and raised balance in adolescent scoliosis patients.


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