Evaluation of Pneumonia in under 5 years old children in Imam Reza Hospital during 2006-2010‎


avatar Kayghobad Ghadiri‎ 1 , avatar Mahnaz Ahmadi‎ 2 , * , avatar Abdol Jabar‏ ‏ Mohammadi 3 , avatar Mansour‏ ‏Rezaei 4 , avatar Tahmineh‏ ‏ Mokhtari 5 , avatar Fereshteh‏ ‏Heshmati 2 , avatar Sabah Darabi‎ 6

Department of Pediatrics,‎‏ ‏School of Medicine , Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical ‎Sciences,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Nursing, School‎‏ ‏of Nursing and Midwifery‏ ‏Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences ,Kermanshah‎, Iran
Student Research Committee,‎‏ ‏School of Paramedicine,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences ,Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Biostatistics‏ ‏and Epidemiology School of‏ ‏Health Kermanshah University of‏ ‏Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Anatomy,‎‏ ‏School of Medicine , Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical Sciences,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Medical‏ ‏Laboratory Sciences, School of‏ ‏Paramedicine, Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical Sciences‏ و ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran

How To Cite Ghadiri‎ K , Ahmadi‎ M , Mohammadi A J ‏, ‏Rezaei M, Mokhtari T ‏, et al. Evaluation of Pneumonia in under 5 years old children in Imam Reza Hospital during 2006-2010‎. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2013;2(3):e82259. 


Background: Acute Respiratory Infection especially Pneumonia are causes of approximately 20% of death in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate epidemiological feature and laboratory finding of Pneumonia in under 5 years old children in Imam Reza hospital during 2006-2010.
Method : In this Cross- Sectional Study 1024 Pneumonia patients aged 0 to 5 years that from April 2006 to March 2010 were admitted in Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah, were studied. Data, were entered in SPSS 16 software and analyzed using descriptive statistical
methods (Mean, Median, frequency and 𝑘2).
Results: Of 1024 patients is studied, 647 cases (63.2%) were male. Mean age patients is 9.94± 9.78 months. Prevalence of illness was higher in cold months. 21% of patients had a previous history of pneumonia. The common symptoms was cough and fever. Mean hospitalization of patients was 6.36±4. 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠. There were significant relation between sex and fever (P=0.012) and Anorexia (P=0.26).The most common drugs that usedin the
treatment of pneumonia was Ceftriaxon. The mortality rate was 1.1%. Mean WBC Count and ESR were 11.9×103±52.5×103and 26.24±21.21, respectively.
Conclusion: Pneumonia is one of the important causes of hospitalization in under 5 years old children that can have variable clinical feature .


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