Effect of regular exercise on depression in hemodialysis patients


avatar Alireza Abdi 1 , avatar Jahangir Rezaie 1 , * , avatar Mansour Rezaie 2 , avatar Gafar Haidar Neghadian 3 , avatar Soraya Mahdavi 1

Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran

How To Cite Abdi A , Rezaie J , Rezaie M, Haidar Neghadian G , Mahdavi S . Effect of regular exercise on depression in hemodialysis patients. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2013;1(4):e82301. 


Background: Depression is the most common of psychological disorder in hemodialysis patients
which reduces the quality of live and increases mortality rate and complications of medications
used for management of depression in these patients. This study was performed to determine the
effect of regular exercise on depression in hemodialysis patients.
Method & Materials: In a randomized clinical trial, 51chronic renal failure patients were
assessed in two groups (case and control). The data collection tool was Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI). After data collection, a planned exercise education program was applied to case
group by poster and face-to-face methods. The program was performed for ten weeks and three
times a week in case group. Finally, the depression of the participants was measured again. The
data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics and SPSS 16 software.
Results: According to the results of this study, there were no differences between case and
control groups in depression rate at the beginning of study, but there was a significant difference
after intervention (P= 0.016). At first, the mean and SD of depression in case group was
23.8±9.29 which reduced to 11.07±12.64 at the end of study (P<0.001).
Conclusions: This study showed that a regular exercise programme can reduce depression rate in
hemodialysis patients. Therefore, this exercise program can be integrated in routine care for
improving the psychological state of hemodialysis patients.


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