Is money thicker than health? - Economic motivated off-label prescription in an austere Europe


avatar Vera Lúcia Raposo 1 , *

Faculty of Law, Coimbra University, Portugal & Faculty of Law, Macau University, China

How To Cite Raposo V L . Is money thicker than health? - Economic motivated off-label prescription in an austere Europe. J Health Rep Technol. 2017;3(1):e74182. 


Off-label prescription is common in Europe and economically motivated off-label prescription is being increasingly recognised by the national laws of the Member States of the European Union, even though both European law and the European courts refute the prevalence of financial considerations over public health.
This article examines the causes of economically motivated off-label prescription, the current legislative and administrative measures implemented in several European countries and its consequences, and it concludes that in very specific scenarios off-label prescription grounded in economic reasons should be allowed.


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