Relation between opium smoking and pulmonary function


avatar HR Javadi , avatar A Ahmadi , *

How To Cite Javadi H, Ahmadi A. Relation between opium smoking and pulmonary function. J Inflamm Dis. 2004;7(5):e155005. 


Background: Smoking of opium is one of the most common ways to abuse of this material in Iran. Objective: This study was planned to determine the effects of opium Smoking on pulmonary function tests. Methods: The case-control study was done on two groups of men between the ages 30-50. The case group was 25 opium addicts: 22 cigarette smokers and opium addicts, and 3 men that only were opium addicts. The control group was consisted of 25 men, 22 smokers and 3 non smokers. All of the 50 men underwent spirometery and the results compared with each other. Findings: Opium Smoking has not extra effect on reduction of pulmonary function tests in case group. Systolic blood pressure in case group was lower with meaningful results (P=0.031). Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) was higer in case group (P=0.006). Conclusion: Abusing opium in values mentioned in this study has no destructive effect on lung volumes.