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M, Sheikhi
M, Javadi
A. The effect of service improvement protocol on patients' satisfaction in. J Inflamm Dis. 2005;9(1):e155115.
Background: One of the quality assessing indices for providing medical services to patients in different hospital wards is to determine the level of patient's satisfaction on quality of such cares given to them.
Objective: To determine the level of patients' satisfaction admitted to Bu-Ali hospital emergency unit, Qazvin, following the implementation of newly established service improvement protocol.
Methods: Through a cross-sectional research, 149 patients admitted to emergency unit were randomly selected and further studied. The data was collected using a questionnaire designed to reflect the level of patients' satisfaction.
Findings: Results indicated that there were high levels of satisfaction among patients including 79%, 78.3%, 79.4%, 87.4%, 79.4%, and 77.2% on timing of medical cares, medical examinations, paramedical services, filing process, physicians' behavior, and nursing skills, respectively. There was only a moderate level of satisfaction (46.6%) on access to drugs and medical instruments.
Conclusion: The patients' satisfaction in emergency unit of Bu-Ali hospital increased following the implementation of service improvement protocol.
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