Effects of electromagnetic fields on vesicle seminal in rat


avatar A Khaki , * , avatar A Zahedi , avatar I Sohrabi , avatar S Zarrintan , avatar A Tanoumand

How To Cite Khaki A, Zahedi A, Sohrabi I, Zarrintan S, Tanoumand A. Effects of electromagnetic fields on vesicle seminal in rat. J Inflamm Dis. 2007;10(4):e155257. 


¯Abstract Background: In industrial world, almost everyone is unavoidably exposed to ambient electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated from various technical and household appliances. One of the critical issues is the possibility of adverse effect of EMF on male reproductive system including the testes and accessory glands. Objective: To examine weather the EMF can adversely affect the seminal vesicle tissue. Methods: This was an experimental study in which two groups (case and control) of 15 members were investigated. The members of case group were exposed to 50 Hz non-ionizing radiation during the postnatal life for 2 months. The control group was kept in a similar situation but without exposure to EMF. Findings: Microscopic observations demonstrated that the smooth muscle fibers in capsule of tubulosecular glands were spread out in different layers and directions. Their nuclei showed signs of heterochromatinism. The number of heterochromatinized epithelial cells per microscopic field was 1.127±0.46 for the case group while it was 0.60±0.74 for the control group (p<0.01). Epithelial secretary cells also showed cell damages. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that EMF exposure may cause profound changes on seminal vesicle. Therefore, exposure to EMF may result in pathological changes leading to subfertility and infertility