Assessing the progress of strategic plan in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, 2008-2009


avatar AA Zeinaloo , avatar M Hosseini , * , avatar S Asefzadeh 1

Professor of Health Care Management, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran

How To Cite Zeinaloo A, Hosseini M, Asefzadeh S. Assessing the progress of strategic plan in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, 2008-2009. J Inflamm Dis. 2010;13(4):e155508. 


Background: Considering the concept of strategic planning, the survival and success of an organization is in close connection with application of a strategic plan as it is primarily not only a future-oriented plan predicting the future changes with the capacity to regulate proper actions but it is also considered as an environment-oriented scheme and while tightly associated with the surroundings it has the potential of having immediate communication with the environment and rapid response to changes if required. Objective: To compare the progress of the strategic plan of Qazvin University of Medical Science in 2008 with that of the year 2007. Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study performed within the different divisions affiliated to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. The evaluation method and the progress reporting forms were formulated through team discussions and participation of the stakeholders. It took several sessions for the strategic committee to analyze the information on forms completed by the divisions. Findings: At the end of the year 2008, only 53% of the University’s goals were completely achieved, while 32% were met by 50-90% and 11% by less than 50%. Totally, 4% of the goals were shown to have been unattained during the same time course. By the end of 2007, from the total defined goals of the University, only 49% were achieved by 100%. Budget deficiency was proved to be the most important obstacle in achieving the full defined goals in 2007 and 2008. Conclusion: Considering an achievement level of higher than 50% of the goals in 2008, it could be concluded that the development process of the University’s strategic plan was promoted, however, the problems and obstacles such as shortages in human resources and budget & credit deficiencies prevailing the year 2007, were demonstrated to have played a hindering role against achieving the goals of 2008.