Prevalence of hypertension among women aged 30+ in Minoodar region of Qazvin in 2009


avatar A Barikani , * , avatar f Saeedi

How To Cite? Barikani A, Saeedi F. Prevalence of hypertension among women aged 30+ in Minoodar region of Qazvin in 2009. J Inflamm Dis. 2010;14(1):e155517. 


Background: Hypertension is one of the causes of early death and a risk factor for many diseases such as cerebrovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and renal failure. Objective: To determine the prevalence of hypertension in women aged 30 and over in Qazvin. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which, using a simple random sampling, the blood pressure of 328 women aged 30 and over in Minoodar region of Qazvin was measured. Measurement of blood pressure was performed twice while in sitting position. In addition, the height and weight of women was also measured to determine the BMI. Data were gathered using a questionnaire containing background and essential questions towards HTN (age, education, smoking, alcohol consumption, oral contraceptive pill, salt, and medical history of HTN and treatment). Data were analyzed with SPSS software version 12 using descriptive indices and chi square test while p value less than 0.05 was considered as significant. Findings: The mean age of participants was 47.3± 1.1 years. The overall frequency of HTN was 32% among those 59.2% aware of their high blood pressure, 48.1% under treatment for HTN, and 21.3% with their blood pressure under control. Of total participant, 9.1% were found to have low salt consumption in their diet, 63.7% with intermediate and 27.1% with high levels of salt consumption. Among the participants, 71.6% were found to have no physical exercise, 12.8% with less than 2 hours a week, and 15.5% over 2 hours a week. Oral contraceptive pills were taken by 8.8% of participants and no alcohol consumption was mentioned. Overweight and obesity were revealed in 38.7% and 40.8% of participants, respectively. There was a significant relationship between the age, systolic, and diastolic pressure (p=0.001). Also a significant association between the salt consumption and the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure was established (p=0.02) Conclusion: Based on our data, a high percentage of participants were unaware of their disease and therefore no medical intervention was sought. Physical exercise was low among the women.