Journal of Inflammatory Diseases
The Official Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences
Research Article
The effects of an educational intervention on knowledge, attitude and ergonomic behaviors
I Mohammadi Zeidi,
A Heydarnia*,
S Niknami,
A Safari Variani,
S Varmazyar
Research Article
Prevalence of hypertension among women aged 30+ in Minoodar region of Qazvin in 2009
A Barikani*,
f Saeedi
Research Article
Biochemical markers Troponin I, Leptin and CK-MB in coronary artery diseases
F Nabatchian*,
N Einollahi,
N Dashti,
A SarrafNejad,
A KazemiKhaledi
Research Article
Correlation between histological findings, activity choronicity indices and laboratory data in patients with lupus nephritis
Z Rezaie-Yazdi*,
S Ghareh,
K Ghaffarzadegan
Research Article
The survey of concerns and psychological disorders in elderly sanatorium
A Etemadi,
Kh Ahmadi*
Research Article
Six-month intra-individual variations of plasma lipoprotein (a) inCollege StudentsSix-month intra-individual variations of plasma lipoprotein (a) in 30 College Students
BA JalaliKhanabadi*,
E. MirzajaniChamkhaleh
Research Article
Relationship between psychosocial factors and marital satisfaction in infertile women
P Heidari*,
R Latifnejad
Research Article
Survey of airborne fungi spores in Qazvin (Mar-Jun 2007)
MR Aghamirian*,
H Jahani Hashemi
Research Article
Diagnostic value of WBC count and C-reactive protein for detection of acute appendicitis in children
S Aslanabadi,
H Maghsoodi,
A Ghare-Daghi,
B Ghasemi,
M Mofidi*,
O YousefNezhad
Case Report
Lateral esophagostomy with thoracic drainage in treatment of esophageal perforation
H Parsa*,
P Fallah,
M Rezaei,
S Shahmoradi
Research Article
The effect of the family-centered empowerment model on the quality of life of the elderly
R Masoudi*,
MA Soleimani**,
M Qorbani,
AM Hasheminia,
AH Pour Dehkordi,
N Bahrami
Research Article
Predicting risk factors of cardiovascular disease according to anthropometric measures in children and adolescents
R Kelishadi*,
M Hashemipour,
Z Faghihimani,
E Nazemi,
S GhatrehSamani,
N Khavarian