Designing a software for electronically computation Teachers’ performance


avatar Z Lashgary , avatar Z Jourabchi , *

how to cite: Lashgary Z, Jourabchi Z. Designing a software for electronically computation Teachers’ performance. J Inflamm Dis. 2018;21(6):e156066. 


Background: Calculating the performance of instructors always requires time, effort, expense, and precision. Therefore, the use of information technology adds speed and precision. Objective: This study provided an application for calculating the performance of instructors. Methods: This experimental study conducted during 2010-14 in faculty of nursing and midwifery of Qazvin University. Based on the existing educational information of the school, first the programs was designed by Excel software, and then the amount of instructors units were calculated and compared in the course of five semesters. In the next two semesters, variables, forms and the process of calculation were developed. Results: The results show that the knowledge of all faculty members over the course of five semesters, which was calculated using traditional and electronic methods. During the next two semesters, the program's problems were corrected and a computational program was prepared based on the objectives of the study. Conclusion: The electronic calculation program calculates the performance of the instructors accurately and quickly.