Urinary calcium exceration in Andimeshk children


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How To Cite Urinary calcium exceration in Andimeshk children. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2010;1(1): 28-34. 



Because of difficulty in obtaining a 24-hour urine collection in children, a random sample of urine is often used to calculate the urinary calcium to creatinine ratio. Urinary calcium excretion might be influenced by genetic, geographic area, etc. In this study, the value of urinary calcium, creatinine, sodium and potassium excretion and agerelated reference values for urine calcium to creatinine and sodium to potassium ratio in the 1 to 7-year age children of Andimeshk city in Khuzestan province were determined.

Material and methods:

From 1155 healthy children (528 boys and 627 girls) with ages between 1-7 years, which referred to health centers in Andimeshk, between January and December 2008, urine samples were collected and calcium, creatinine, sodium and potassium were measured. The urinary calcium to creatinine ratio >0.21 has been considered as abnormal.


From 1155 healthy children, 528 (45.7%) were boys and 627 (54.3%) were girls. Mean SD ratio of urinary calcium to creatinine in all children was 0.1650.115. This ratio was not statistically significant between boys and girls (0.1680.114 vs. 0.1630.093) (p=0.37). Also, the mean SD ratio of urinary sodium to potassium in all children was 1.9811.322. This ratio even though was higher in boys than girls, but was not statistically significantly (1.9820.912 vs. 1.9801.108) (p=0.28).

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