

1. Antioxidant Extraction from Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas l.) using Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE)

- M. Yasser

- M. Badai

- Ridhawati Thahir

- Arifah Sukasri

- Kurniawan

2. Nepeta binaludensis Jamzad Attenuates Neuronal Injury Induced by Oxygen-Glucose-Serum Deprivation/Reperfusion in PC12 Cells

- Farshad Mirzavi

- Arezoo Rajabian

- Hassan Rakhshandeh

- Seyed Mostafa Moshirian Farahi

3. Investigating the effect of inoculation with plant growth promoting bacteria on the morphological, biochemical and nutrient absorption characteristics of Nepeta binaludensis Jamzad

- Fatemeh Jafari

- Ali Ganjeali

- Elham Amjadi