Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products
The Official Journal of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences
1. Development of support vector machine-based model and comparative analysis with artificial neural network for modeling the plant tissue culture procedures: effect of plant growth regulators on somatic embryogenesis of chrysanthemum, as a case study
- Mohsen Hesami
- Roohangiz Naderi
- Masoud Tohidfar
- Mohsen Yoosefzadeh-Najafabadi
2. The genetic fidelity study of different callus-derived plantlets of Ficus religiosa L. using ISSR markers
- Abdul Kader
- Sankar Narayan Sinha
- Parthadeb Ghosh
3. Overcoming dual seed dormancy and enhancing <i>in vitro</i> seedling development of <i>Gloriosa superba</i> (L.) with a targeted sterilization approach and plant growth regulator synergy
- Dexter Achu Mosoh
- Ashok Kumar Khandel
- Sandeep Kumar Verma
- Wagner A. Vendrame
4. Application of artificial intelligence models and optimization algorithms in plant cell and tissue culture
- Mohsen Hesami
- Andrew Maxwell Phineas Jones
5. Prediction and optimization of indirect shoot regeneration of Passiflora caerulea using machine learning and optimization algorithms
- Marziyeh Jafari
- Mohammad Hosein Daneshvar
6. In vitro germination and vegetative propagation through bud development of sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.)
- Ana María Henao Ramírez
- Aura Inés Urrea Trujillo
- Lucía Atehortúa Garcés
7. Sodium nitroprusside: its beneficial role in drought stress tolerance of “Mexican lime” (Citrus aurantifolia (Christ.) Swingle) under in vitro conditions
- Marziyeh Jafari
- Ali Reza Shahsavar
8. Modeling and Optimizing in vitro Sterilization of Chrysanthemum via Multilayer Perceptron-Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (MLP-NSGAII)
- Mohsen Hesami
- Roohangiz Naderi
- Masoud Tohidfar
9. Seed germination and seedling emergence of Gundelia tournefortii L. in response to some environmental factors
- Iraj Nosratti
- Hamze Felegari
- Mohammad Eghbal Ghobadi
10. Introducing a hybrid artificial intelligence method for high-throughput modeling and optimizing plant tissue culture processes: the establishment of a new embryogenesis medium for chrysanthemum, as a case study
- Mohsen Hesami
- Roohangiz Naderi
- Masoud Tohidfar
11. Modeling and Optimizing Medium Composition for Shoot Regeneration of Chrysanthemum via Radial Basis Function-Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (RBF-NSGAII)
- Mohsen Hesami
- Roohangiz Naderi
- Masoud Tohidfar
12. Optimization of in vitro sterilization for pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) rootstocks
- Ecenur KORKMAZ
- Ramazan YAŞAR
- Büşra SOYDAN
- Muhammad AASIM
- İzzet AÇAR