Analysis of Working Postures in Iron and Steel Industry Workers’ Using Computerized OWAS Method


avatar F Sadeghi 1 , * , avatar H Assilian 1 , avatar L Barati 1


How To Cite Sadeghi F, Assilian H, Barati L. Analysis of Working Postures in Iron and Steel Industry Workers’ Using Computerized OWAS Method. J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2007;11(1):e81877. 


The aim of this study was the assessment of various postures during the work in iron and steel industry, Navard Ahwas, using OWAS method.
Materials and Methods: In this study 15 workstations were selected for research and 900 various postures were recorded. The observed data were recorded as a five – digit codes in which digit one two, three, four, five indicated, back, arm, leg posture, the load course of force and the work phase analyzed respectively.  The data was analyzed using OWAS software.
Results: The results of this study showed that Drail Radial one post (with 50% frequency) have the most frequent and unsuitable postures. The most dangerous state was found in the post of Drail Radial two, which indicated very dangerous in OWAS coding table with code four.
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the position of legs and back area has a significant role in increasing the code in OWAS coding table. The balance between back and legs is an efficient way to achieve a better work posture. Increasing code range for the leg and the back area leads to maximizing the risk of inappropriate body posture.


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