Efficiency of electrocoagulation process coupled with UV/H2O2 to remove the orange reactive dye 122 from wastewater of textile industries


avatar Tayebeh nadri , avatar Mohammad Hassn Ehrampoush , avatar Mohammad Malakootian ORCID , *

How To Cite? nadri T, Ehrampoush M H, Malakootian M. Efficiency of electrocoagulation process coupled with UV/H2O2 to remove the orange reactive dye 122 from wastewater of textile industries. koomesh. 2016;18(3):e151131. 


Introduction: Besides aesthetic aspects, the discharge of textile wastewater into the environment create serious environmental problems as well. The objective of this research was to investigate the factors affecting the efficiency of the electrocoagulation process coupled with UV/H2O2 and determine the optimum conditions for dyes and COD removal from textile wastewater containing the orange reactive dye 122. Materials and Methods: This experimental research was done at Environmental Health Engineering Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences in 2014. In this research, the efficiency of Color removal and COD from synthetic solution under various conditions such as different pH (3, 6, 9), time (40, 30, 20, 10 minutes), flow (80, 20.60 amps per square meter) and initial concentration of H2O2 (80, 40, 20, 10 Mm/L) were measured. In addition, optimization experiments in real sewage have also been investigated. Results: the obtained results showed that the maximum efficiency of dyes and COD removal from synthetic solution in optimal condition of pH=6, flow rate=60 A/m2, initial concentration of H2O2 20 Mm/L, and 20 minutes’ reaction time was obtained 98% and 85.5% respectively. While, the maximum efficiency of dyes and COD removal from real wastewater samples was found 92% and 65.5% respectively. Conclusion: Due to the use of fewer chemicals, non-residual products, low sludge production, and High efficiency of removal can be concluded that electrocoagulation process coupled with UV/ H2O2 is an effective method to remove the orange reactive dye 122 from wastewater of textile industries.


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