A meta analytical study of intentional and accidental non-food poisoning incidences in Iran (1991- 2013)


avatar Pezhman Bagheri , avatar pezhman bagheri , *

How To Cite? Bagheri P, bagheri P. A meta analytical study of intentional and accidental non-food poisoning incidences in Iran (1991- 2013). koomesh. 2015;16(3):e151269. 


  Introduction: Regarding the increasing number of non-food poisoning in Iran and its financial burdens on the health system, a systematic and Meta analytical study of related documents might lead us toward more precise ideas for our future plans and strategies.   Materials and Methods: The reviewed articles for this analytical study were included related subjects in Iranian and international journals, final report of research projects, papers presented at the congresses and thesis review with using standard and sensitive keywords related to the subject. Most of the articles published between1991-2013years with inclusion criteria after quality control using random model, were chosen for Meta-analysis.   Results: The findings in this study show the best estimate of the prevalence of intentional non-food poisoning, 46.11% , and accidental non-food poisoning in Iran, 53.88%. The research also found a substantial heterogeneity in using meta regression method. The main causes of this heterogeneity were participants, sample size and average age of the samples.   Conclusion: the simple review of national documents show that morbidity and mortality rate produced by different ways of poisonings, still is high in Iran. It seems that the study of the pathological bases of these incidents with the aim of setting the evidence-based policies and with the approach of changing the attitudes and awareness of people more than before, are the most essential subjects in this field of study.